Thursday, June 27, 2019

PolycysticOvary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition of hormonal disorder that could become the major reason of infertility.  A follicle which is released every month to be fertilized, interfered by the high level of androgens. This prevents follicle to get mature and develop egg. The follicle which is not released stays in ovary results in the cyst and cause hormonal imbalance.

PCOS is diagnosed by ultrasound but some of the symptoms can make you aware about it at right time for proper treatment. These are some of the symptoms indicating that you might be suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


Although acne is common in teenage but when your skin gets prone to acne in excess, its one of the sign indicating something about your hormones. Due to increase in level of androgens in body, your skin gets more prone to acne. Medicated skin washes might help you control acne.

Excessive Body and Facial Hair

We all have hair on body and other body parts, what if your face showing some unusual growth of hair. Due to hormonal imbalance and increase in male hormones, you can have unusual hair growth on the places like chin and sideburns. This may be the other sign of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Dark Patches on Body

The presence of dark patches on elbows, armpit, knees and neck may indicate you about the high level of androgen in your body. Its actually a malfunctioning of sugar metabolism in your body.

Irregular Periods

Its abnormal if your menstruation cycle is greater than 35 days. The flow may be very heavy or too light. Progesterone is a hormone that regulates menstruation cycle gets affected due to hormonal imbalance. Due to lack of this hormone, you may have irregular periods.


Your body could show you excess weight gain if you are suffering from PCOS.  Its get difficult for body to use insulin which is responsible for converting sugar into energy. That’s the reason behind gaining weight.

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